Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rebecca's Post

Here in Haiti there is a natural alarm clock. The roosters crow all night long, the goats bey, and people chatter as they make the long trek down the mountain to sell their wares at the market. This morning, however, it was the sound of singing, chanting and praying as the Haitians arose early to remember the awful earthquake that struck one year ago. Man I wish I spoke Creole! They gave praise and thanks to Jesus from morning until evening. I did recognize one song and it was one we sang in my home church the Sunday before I left, “Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee.”

Yesterday we discovered our flight was canceled. The pastor on our team said, “Seize the day, we have three days in Haiti that we did not expect so we are going to expect the unexpected.” I thought to myself, “God must not be done with us yet” and after today I know that to be true.

As a nurse I saw more patients today than I saw in the previous five days. Unexpectedly, the pastor with us spent most of the day in church and even did an impromptu sermon.

One of the youth pastors took some of the Haitian youth he had been getting to know and they repaired a woman’s home. Other team members organized clothes, repaired broken things, and we ended our day at the cross in prayer during the time of last years’ earthquake.

Often people tell me that being a nurse makes it really easy to serve Jesus in a foreign country. While there is some truth to that statement the reality is that everyone has something to offer. Today showed just that. We all took the gifts that God has given us, big and small, formal and informal and we offered them to the Lord and we offered them to the Haitians.
In many ways I was so humbled to be here with them on this emotional day. What the world remembers occasionally they live with every moment of every day. Memories of the earthquake linger as they miss loved ones, live in tents, cook over fires, and walk miles for dirty water. However, our presence and your prayers remind them that they do not stand alone. Thank you for your prayers and please keep them coming. God is doing amazing things in Haiti!

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