Friday, January 14, 2011

The Good Samaritan

One day and expert in the law asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus replied that he must love the Lord with everything he had and love his neighbor as himself. The man then asked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus then told a familiar parable we know as The Good Samaritan. Yesterday I witnessed that Bible passage come to life. Donald Sr. dropped everything he had, drove to the village of Barbancourt, picked up a woman and her child who had suffered a major burn, drove them thirty minutes in the opposite direction to a burn clinic. The nurses there spent an hour bandaging the child’s wounds and then Donald drove them home. No sooner had we returned then a woman came with appendicitis. Again Donald put her in his truck, drove her an hour to the hospital, gave her money for food and treatment and said he would be back to get her when she was ready. These things occur almost daily at Lifeline. Loving our neighbors, the Haitian people, and whomever comes through the gate. Thank you to all back home who make loving our neighbors in Haiti possible. I hear they want to start a fund to help cover the cost of these extra trips. Would you consider loving your neighbor by helping Lifeline in this special way?

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