Thursday, September 16, 2010

Desparate Need for a Warehouse!

TODAY I PRESENT A PARTICULARLY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO PARTNER IN THE MINISTRY OF LIFELINE MISSION. But before I get to that, let me take a few moments to review the events of the recent past that have led to our current circumstances. Of course, January 12, 2010 is now a day that is well known to much of the world, however, this is the day that all Haitians will hold in infamy for the rest of their lives. The devastation of the earthquake and subsequent catastrophes fell upon what is already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Living in Haiti since January 5, 2010, I was here when the very ground beneath our feet began to shift and shake as a powerful primal force surged beneath us. Amid the aftermath, emergency aircraft were evacuating many who were citizens of countries outside Haiti. My husband and I chose to remain in Haiti instead of leaving. In these tragic circumstances, the people needed help, someone to stay and continue the work that was now of even greater importance and magnitude. We made our way with some of the most seriously injured to Port Au Prince and a make-shift helicopter pad where they were flown to a Navy ship for amputations and other desperately needed procedures. Sadly, a great number never lived to receive care – the loss of life was staggering. Catastrophe is no respecter of persons. Even Haitian families that once had businesses and homes are now struggling to survive, living in tents, no facilities of any sort afforded them. Many, who had the privilege of holding a job and thus, a means for provision, are now on the streets, literally begging for food and water. I have now heard that the President here has stated that assistance is no longer needed. As a result, the many troops that were present initially have been removed. The media is no longer covering the special needs of Haiti because people in the US, as well as others capable of aide, are no longer interested in hearing or helping. Oh, how this saddens my heart! We are here in the midst of the overwhelming problems. We witness first-hand the great need - greater now than ever before. With the on-going struggle vivid in our hearts and minds, I am offering this plea for your immediate and continued help and support. By the provision of the Lord as He works through Lifeline, we are striving to serve greater numbers in many more areas - more orphanages, more schools, more from the mountain, more hurting and otherwise helpless people than ever before. We have been blessed through some very special people by varied donations: beans and rice, Kids Against Hunger meals, funding for the rebuilding of homes, love bundles, and many other items. I personally want you to know what a positive difference these have made, and with great gratitude we want to assure you that the multiplicity of needs that have been met would not have done so without your generosity. Please allow me to present one more urgent plea: WE DESPERATELY NEED A NEW WAREHOUSE! The Lifeline School is scheduled to begin next month. We are adding two classes - we will now have Preschool through the tenth grade. Though this is a thrilling opportunity, it presents a problem because we need the use of all of our classrooms and we are currently forced to use two of them for medical supplies.
Our storage rooms are being utilized for the canteen food that is cooked here for the school as well as the cooked food that is sent out to neighboring schools and orphanages, and to store love bundles and sewing materials for our trade school.

OUR CRY IS FOR A NEW WAREHOUSE IN WHICH THE FOODS LIKE RICE AND BEANS AND THE KIDS AGAINST HUNGER MEALS CAN BE STORED. This valuable nutrition is shared across Haiti with many children that would otherwise be starving. In faith, we have begun to build, here is our foundation! Now I earnestly request your participation and partnership. Will you please help provide the funds to continue with the blocks, cement, sand, roofing, and doors that can transform this foundation into a warehouse?
Our prayer is that God richly bless each of you, our friends and fellow laborers. And to each that is able to contribute at this critical time – know that the Lord has worked through you to be an important part of the solution for the people of Haiti.

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