Monday, June 27, 2011

Taking things for Granted

It’s another beautiful blue skied day in Haiti.  Here, you wake up to the sound of children playing, adults working, and roosters crowing at about 5:30 a.m.  Once you get used to the early wake up, it becomes a sound that you want to hear every morning.  There are plenty of tasks to be done throughout the day.  A few include fixing the internet from lightening damage, fixing generators, fixing trucks, and taking food to people in the village. One of the most rewarding tasks that we do though, is visiting orphanages or schools that this mission feeds.  We have done that a few times since I have been here, and it’s truly awesome to see the healthy children that would be starving without this mission. 
                The most heartbreaking sight for me this trip is a house just over the hill from the mission.  It is made out of branches, some sort of grass for the roof, and pieces of tarp also on the roof.  Six kids and two parents live there! It is probably about a 10x8x7 ft hut (that’s a generous estimate).  It wasn’t until it started storming and raining when it dawned on me how miserable those people must have been on nights like that.  It would cost about $4,000 to build them a new block home. I’m praying that this mission will receive that amount for this family’s new home.  We take so many things for granted in the U.S., one of them being shelter. 


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