Friday, March 18, 2011


What’s the perfect way to begin a day in Haiti? Whole milk. Now I’m not talking about the water inundated Hiland product found at your local Wal-mart, this stuff had the consistency of ranch dressing, and let me tell you it’s amazing! Life changing. Follow that up with fifty awesome Haitians that show up for work, a beautiful shady day, and a hike through gorgeous sunset filled banana fields and you wind up with perfection. I can’t decide whether it is more fun trying to learn Creole with a thick American accent or pronounce and remember all the kid’s names. There is not a minute of the day where the cutest little Haitian kid is not standing at your side asking your name and going on and on in Creole. That has to be the best part of every day! The second greatest moment was definitely when there was no food for lunch. I know you are probably thinking this sounds like it should be on the “Worst part of the day list,” oh, but just wait. Half an hour later Jonathan, one of our teammates, comes walking up with two big black sacks full of traditional Haitian food. Mind you the first rule we were given upon arrival was “Do not eat the food.” So we all look at each other, give a simultaneous shoulder shrug, and dug in to the most amazing concoction of rice beans and mashed vegetables you have ever tasted. If productivity, awesome food, and wonderful people weren’t enough, the day ended with a short hike across rivers, through Haitian villages and banana fields all back-dropped with beautiful mountains and a gorgeous sunset.

Logan R.

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