Sunday, March 20, 2011


Here we go again! After a long trip back to Haiti, we have all made it here safely and are ready for Haiti Version 3.0. For those of you who didn’t tune in last time, we have been blessed with a wonderful facility to host us for the week here at Children’s International Lifeline in La Digue Matheux, Haiti. When we arrived last night many of us were surprised at how cool the temperature was, as compared to when we were here in August!

Donald was in an especially good mood last night, and actually let us sleep in until 6:30 this morning! After a small gathering we headed out to Obamaville, which is a tent city located on a mountainside seen on the way from Port Au Prince to our village. After the 30 minute trip, we all filed out of the tap tap (basically a glorified cattle car) and were greeted by a village full of smiling faces. After our fearless leader Dr. Gross got us all in order, and we split up into 5 different work stations including triage, wound care, skin care, pharmacy, and de-worming. We saw a wide range of patients from age 2 months to older adults. After everyone received medical attention, we took a tour of the tent city and hiked up the hillside with the children of the village. Each one of us having at least 2 children latched onto each hand, while others had even more hanging any way possible. After the tour we all went back to the tent where our clinic was held and we had A-packs for lunch, or M.R.E.’s (Meals Ready to Eat). After we had full bellies, we crammed back into the tap-tap and we were on our way!

Our next stop was at a small school in Titanyen, where we quickly saw 16 more children and some of the adults who worked in the school. While waiting for their vitamins after receiving medical care, the children sang us songs both in English and Créole. Before returning back to the mission we made one brief stop at an orphanage right down the road from the school. 20 orphans received medical care, as well as a few more who filed in to claim their candy and toys. Afterwards we finally headed back to the mission for some Haitian food and some relaxation before another busy day tomorrow!

If you want to see a few pictures from today go to the following link:


Blogged by Chris French and Bethany Split

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