Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Blessing in Disguise

Well today like everyday is always very busy but today, I stopped long enough to take time out to bathe two of little boys that are brothers in our village that are always together but not very well taken care of. You know sometimes it is easy when you see something for a while just to get used to it but today it was like the Lord just spoke to me and said, you need to do something. It was early and I was outside the gate trying to find out some information for one of our sponsors when I heard a little voice hollering Patricia, Patricia and when I turned and looked it was two of the grubbiest little boys in our village. So I just took them by the hand and brought them up to the porch and fed them some viennia sausages and peanut butter and crackers. When they were finished I took them by the hand and took them to the bathroom in the house. They stood and watched as I adjusted the water like they had never seen the water like that before. I took off the very soiled few clothes that they had on and handed them a bar of soap and a wash cloth and put them in the shower. They seemed like they enjoyed it but they were just letting the water fall on them so I showed them what to do with the bar of soap and they helped each other to wash.
When they were through I got a towel and wrapped around them and put on some good clean clothes that had graciously been donated by one of the team members. They looked so different when they were all cleaned up. I put Veggie Tales on my computer to watch for a little while and gave them some cold apple juice and after following me around most of the day I sent them on their way.
Only God knows what these little boys have experienced throughout their young lives. Praise God that He gives us eyes to see and a heart to listen to that still small voice when He speaks to us, because although I helped them, it was such a blessing to me to see the difference a few minutes can make for a little child. Thank You Lord!!!

1 comment:

  1. The bottom picture.. the youngest boy almost looks like my Tigga!!! Could it be???
    Love you all and see you in March!
    Jade Campbell
