Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!  What a way to start a trip...worshiping our Lord together celebrating His resurrection.  A 2 hour service full of the same things that we have in our worship, just in a different language.  The house missionaries fixed a wonderful pancake breakfast to start the day.  It's amazing to see these women serving the Lord and the excitement in their step.  Jean Fritz(the 3 year old orphan that lives on the compound)  was fitting!  A redeemed child being redeemed by the Redeemer on Easter!    This compound is an AMAZING blessing to this village and the surrounding area.  It's impossible to even describe it.  We met one of the elders of the village who asked the man who started Lifeline to come to LaDigue in the first place.  That was awesome!  Then we toured the village and loved on the children.  They LOVE attention and want to be held all the time.  They go where you go.  The parents trust Lifeline to know that they will be ok.  Then we had kids club...

80 kids pouring in each Sunday afternoon to hear the Word even more!  They got to do a craft, sing, play a game(who can drink a coke the fastest without their that's fun!) and then ate some candy :)  Alot of chaos but so worth it.  The day ended with a devotion at the "rock" and a birthday party for Jean Fritz and Ramonda(another orpan that is being adopted by a couple from the US).  Both of these children are waiting to be adopted...pray for them and their parents that they can have patience and peace everytime they have to leave their babies to others.  All I can say is I'm so glad I brought my daughter...we have been blessed!  I definitely will return with more of my children so they too can experience the joy of serving!

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