Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another amazing day in Haiti!  Started out the day worshipping with the beautiful people here.  Church was a moving experience full of great music, lots of “Hallelujah”s, and “Amens”.  God was in the house!  After church several of the folks, especially the children gathered around.  We held hands and danced to the music as the band continued to practice after the service was over.  What a joyous time. 
In the afternoon we were taken on a tour of Port Au Prince.  I thought I had seen all the horrible things in Haiti there were to experience.  Today proved that to be wrong.  We drove through the worst slums in the city (Cite Soleil).  Every sense was assaulted by the destitution there.  I can’t imagine anyone living in such conditions let alone the vast number of people in that area.  I’m still processing what my role is going to be in trying to help or change any of this.  But I don’t believe it will be sending my mostly used up shoes or random cast off clothes.  I pray for God to give me the wisdom about how to proceed when I get home, in some way that will be helpful to this country and its people. 

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