Friday, March 5, 2010

She smiles no more!

Today a 12 year old girl was brought to our Lifeline clinic
who was a victim of this horendous, devastating earthquake in Haiti!!! The earthquake struck Haiti around 5:00p.m. and this young girl was dug out from under the rubble of her home at 3:00a.m. the next day. Her house had collasped on her. Her mother was killed! Her brother was killed! Many cousins that lived in her house when the house came tumbling down were killed! She lay 10 hours with the earth shaking and her dead family laying right next to her.

Her Aunt brings her into the clinic today and Dr. Yves examines her to find a palpitation in her heart, lower left extremity damage, much muscular damage to her right leg and much swelling. She is unable to walk! Dr. Yves put on his report: CHRISSANDIA SMILES NO MORE!!!!

This one time happy young girl, full of life, has met with one of the greatest nightmares of anyone. Her childhood has been scarred for ever! Of course this is just of one of thousands!!!

This little one is in a state of shock. Even when they had her families funeral her Aunt tells us that, "she shows no emotions."
We also had a little boy brought in an emergency case with a very deep cut! He had been helping in the garden and there was a piece of glass and it sliced the side of his foot wide open!! I was so glad that Dr. Yves, our Lifeline doctor was still here to care for this child. He had to have quite a few stitches with such a large, deep cut!!

Revival Continues in the midst of Turmoil

We are still having revival and many of the people are turning their lives over to God!!! I only say PRAISES TO OUR ALMIGHTY GOD!!! We want to thank everyone that continues to pray for us each day! I pray that God helps me to have the wisdom and direction that can only come from Him!!! We need the ability to carry out the work that He sent us to do!! NOT MY WILL BUT THINE OH GOD!!!! AMEN!!!

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