Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 Haiti Mission October 5th

We started the week not knowing exactly what God had in store. There were seven mothers on this team, and we left 15 children behind to GO!!! We wanted to be the hands and be the feet and show Gods love to the people of Haiti. It was a little intimidating at first, but God knew what we were here for.
Our first agenda was to give some supplies to the kids. Our children in Illinois collected coloring books, crayons, matchbox cars, and flip flops and made bracelets to give the children in Haiti. They wanted the kids to know that we hadn't forgotten about them and were still praying for them. We took a picture of our children with the bracelets so that they could see the children that had been and would be continuing to pray for them. The bracelets are a reminder to our children to pray for Haiti and a reminder to the Haitian children that our children would be praying for them.
We also went to several orphanages and schools to tell them about Jesus and show them love. The children were very appreciative. Some of the children had started school, and others will start real soon. We had two teachers on our team that could relate to the teachers in Haiti, but some of the conditions were hard to see. The comforting thing is you can tell the people in the schools care for the children and are working hard to get them the education they need. Lifeline has been a big help to the schools and orphanages. We have been impressed with all that Lifeline has done. We wanted to help everyone but it is so overwhelming because there is so much need.
Another way we got to help was to build some benches for school. We had no idea how to build benches, but we had several helpers, including children. So we got to use our mothering skills and let the children help with building the benches. We all learned together and worked as a team and got several benches done.
We have met so many wonderful people here. There are some really hardworking adults and kids.
We hope to come back next year and be used by God in Haiti. It was a wonderful experience that has helped us grow as Christians and mothers. We have been blessed in so many ways. We know God had a reason for us to be here. We hope we helped in some small way to show Christs' love to the people here in Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. Great report, can't wait to hear more an more!!! - Carl
